sick breakbeats
sick breakbeats
high end is a bit too much but I like the rest
Thank you, I do appreciate the honesty. In hindsight, I should of made it a bit less.
the drop is so clean wtffffffff
I LOVE underrated time signatures wooooooooo
this is an absolute banger wtf
Your stuff always gives off vibes of an abstract emotion that doesn't exist and I fucking love it
I am happy to hear, thanks Nascene
In the first section, the kick is a bit too long and the snare is a bit too loud for my taste. I don't know about the kick, it feels like the kick was going through the reverb too. The 'drop' is definitely my favourite part, and has nice instruments and drums in it. I just wish that part was extended or something. The outro is really nice too, sick soundscapes there.
hey supp, thanks for the feedback! i did a "little mess" with the drums part, bcs i tried to interlude its sound with the middle part, i kinda got on the way, but in consequence the drums were very reverb'd, and i really should have maked the music longer, i just realized this when i posted lol, but anyways thanks for listening!
There's nothing I would change in this track - its really sick and I don't know why its not frontpaged lol
that fukcing snare oh mygodsh
such a bop, especially with the drums